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ศูนย์ศึกษาและเฝ้าระวังปัญหาสุขภาพและสาธารณสุขด้านผู้สูงอายุ ได้ผลิตผลงานทางวิชาการโดยผู้ได้รับทุนผลิตบัณฑิตทั้งในระดับชาติ ได้นำเสนอผลงานทางวิชาการ ในปีพ.ศ. 2554-2555 โดยนำเสนอผลงานในรูปแบบ Oral Presentation และ Poster Presentation ได้แก่
No. | Name | Title | Presentation |
1. | Kaoaiem Hatairat | The Assess of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Safe Sex among Pre-Aging Squan Leaders in First Army Area of Thailand | Oral |
2. | Ramesh Kumar | How accessible are the emergency obstetrics care services? A cross sectional study in district Neelum, Azad Jammu and Kashmir | Poster |
3. | Ramesh Kumar | Assessment of Human Resource Information System and Its Use at Operational and Strategic Levels in Pakistan | Oral |
4. | Ai Thien Nhan Lam | HBsAg prevalence and Knowledge on Hepatitis B among Stieng tribe adults in Binhphuoc Province, Vietnam | Poster |
5. | Arty Sachdev | Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Human Papillomavirus, Human Papillomavirus Vaccine and Cervical Cancer, Human Papllimavirus Vaccination History Among Femal Bachelor Degree Students at Chulalongkorn University | Oral |
6. | Donnapa Hongthong | Drinking Risk Level and Alcoho Consumption Situation amongs Senior High School Students in a Rural Area of Thailand | Poster |
7. | Diana Somporn | Factors Influencing Depression among Elderly in Ban Bangkhae Nuring Homes, Bangkok, Thailand after flooding | Poster |
8. | Hlaing, Htaik Hta Khin | Factors Related to Antenatal, Delivery and Postnatal Health Care Practices among Female Clients of Reproductive Health Mobile Services, Sub-Urban Yangon, Myanmar | Poster |
9. | Kanyarat Inturat | Homosexality and Self-Disclosure to Family | Poster |
10. | Khin Thiri Maung | Occupational Characteristics and Factors Associated with Prevention Practices Related to HIV/AIDS among Alcohol Factory Male Workers in Industrial Zon(1), Pyi Gyi Tagon | Poster |
11. | Kittipob Chongsiri | Factors Associated to Extra Marital Sex of Thai Male in Nakhonsawan Province | Poster |
12. | Kunyanin Sridachati | Media Exposure In Sex Education To Mass Media And Personal Media Of Secondary School Students In Bangkok | Poster |
13. | Moe Myint Theingi Tun | Respiratory Symptom and Illness Prevalence in Adult Women, in Relation to Biomass Cooking Fuel Use in Mandalay, Myanmar | Poster |
14. | Monthaka Teerachaisakul | Meat-Induced Subcutaneous Tissue Inflammation: Two Case Reports of Primary Lymphedema | Poster |
15. | Myo Zin Oo | Factors Related to Unprotected Sex in Men Having Sex with Men (MSM) in Mandalay, Myanmar | Poster |
16. | Nachaphun Sukhnim | Measuring Safety Culture Attitude of Health Professionals at Kin Narai Hospital, Lop Buri Province, Thailand | Oral |
17. | Nuchwadee Wankum | Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice of preventive self-care on diabetic foot ulcer in type II diabetic patients, Muang Roi-Et District, Roi-Et Province, Thailand. | Poster |
18. | Nutta Taneepanichskul | Pesticide Application and Safety Behaviour among Male and Femal Chilli-Growing Farmers in Hua Rua Sub-District, Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand | Oral |
19. | Phanumas Seneesrisakul | Perception of risk behavior affected to sexual relationship among teenager | Poster |
20. | Phiman Thirarattanasunthon | Sociodemographic and Environmental Characteristics, and Potential Health Risks, of Scavengers in Open Municipal Dump Sites in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand | Poster |
21. | Preeyakamol Meeyutem | Effects of Selected Thai Ancient Remedies Extracts on Mutagenicity and Antimutagenicity Using Ames Test | Poster |
22. | Ramesh Neupane | Knowledge and Protective Behavior of Staff Nurses Towards Influenza Pandemic A H1N1, 2009 at Some Health Care Facilities of Nepal | Poster |
23. | Abhishek Rimal | Prevalence of , and Factors Associated with, Type 2 Diabetes and its Microvascular Complications among the Elderly in Kathmandu, Nepal | Poster |
24. | Sarah B Barnes | Exclusive breastfeeding experiences among mothers in Bangkok, Thailand: Findings from a mixed-methods study | Oral |
25. | Saruta Saengtipbovorn | Factors Associated with the Utilization of Dental Health Services by the Elderly Patients in Health Center No.54, Bangkok, Thailand | Oral |
26. | Sheh Mureed | Factors Influencing Utilization of Antenatal Care Services among Pregnant Women During Last Pregnancy in Quetta, Pakistan | Oral |
27. | Sirinan Suwannaporn | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Towards Helmet use among Motorcycle Riders and Passengers in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand | Poster |
28. | Tashi Norbu | Drugs And Alcohol Use By Secondary School Students In Thimphu, Bhutan | Poster |
29. | Tay Zar Soe | Determinants and Consequences of Alcohol Consumption among Male Adult Myanmar Migrant Workers in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand | Poster |
30. | Tuan Duong Kim | Knowledge, Attitude and Practice about Exxlusive Breastfeeding among Women in Chililab in Chi Linh Town, Hai Duong Province,Vietnam | Poster |
31. | Viengnakhone Vongxay | Respiratory symptoms in relation to household air pollution sources in rural and urban areas of Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR | Poster |