โทร. 02-2188226 หรือ 081-6928582
ศูนย์ศึกษาและเฝ้าระวังปัญหาสุขภาพและสาธารณสุขด้านผู้สูงอายุ ได้ผลิตผลงานทางวิชาการโดยผู้ได้รับทุนผลิตบัณฑิตทั้งในระดับนานาชาติ ได้นำเสนอผลงานทางวิชาการ ในปีพ.ศ. 2554-2555 โดยนำเสนอผลงานในรูปแบบ Oral Presentation และ Poster Presentation ได้แก่
No. | Name | Title | Presentation |
1. | Ms.Juthasiri Rohitrattana | Correlating neurobehavioral performance with cholinesterase levels in children living in agricultural area, Thailand | Oral |
2. | Mrs.Donnapa Hongthong | The acceptability of the PALMSS alcohol prevention program : case study among senior high school students in Phayao province, Thailand | Oral |
3. | Ms.Nutta Taneepanichskul | Dermal Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides (Chlorpyrifos and Profenofos) and Health Effects among Chilli farmers in the Northeastern,Thailand | Poster |
4. | Ms.Saowanee Norkeaw | Household Insecticides use and Indirect Exposure in Agricultural community, Northeastern, Thailand | Poster |
5. | Ms.Laddawan Daengthoen | Outcomes of the new outpatient treatment program on alcohol dependence: a pilot study | Oral |
6. | Ms. Luckwirun Chotisiri | A survey of health status among Elderly People of Lam Phak Kut Community, Pathumtani, Thailand. | Poster |
7. | Ms.Saovalux Dullyaperadis | Risk Perception of elderly persons toward 2011 flooding situation and their self-care during and after the flood in Saraburi province, Thailand | Poster |
8. | Ms.Rawiwan Manohan | Antimutagenicity of Ben - Cha - Moon -Yairemedy | Poster |
9. | Ms.Thidarat Doungyod | Civetone and Normuscone as Markers of Civet Secretion Ingredient in Thai Traditional Aromatic Remedies | Oral |
10. | Mr.Paween Kunsorn | Anti herpes simplex virus activity of Clinacanthus nutans and Clinacathus siamensis | Oral |
11. | Ms. Nonglapat Sasiwatpaisit | Dioscorine content in Dioscorea hispida dried tubers in Thailand | Oral |
12. | Ms.Korravarn Yodmai | Quality of life, Depression, Health Problem, and Social Activity among Elderly in Khonkean Province, Thailand | Poster |
13. | Mrs. Kanokwan Suwannarong | Zoonotic Diseases: Emerging Issues in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand | Poster |
14. | Ms.Sipapa Pummaruk | Community Assessment for healthcare needs among the elderly living in the Pa-kha sub-district, Nakornnayok Province, Thailand | Oral |
15. | Ms.Rapat Eknithiset | Self-Care Behaviors among Elderly Diabetes type 2 Patients in Saraburi Province, Thailand: A Qualitative study | Poster |
16. | Ms.Parichart Hongsing | Chemical composition and in vitro biological activities of Kondagogu gum | Poster |
17. | Ms. Nethnapa Vongskan | Quality of life and Health Status of Elderly after flooding disaster: Case study of elderly in rural area, Saraburi province, Thailand | Oral |
18. | Mr.Chanapong Rojanaworarit | Providing High-Cost Dental Prostheses for Patients with Total Toothloss Through Universal Coverage in Northeastern Thailand: Financing Situation, Service Productivity and Associated Factors | Oral |
19. | Ms.Sapsattree Santaweesuk | Occupational Safety Behavior among Rice Farmers in Nakhon Nayok Province, Thailand | Oral |
20. | Mr. Phitsanuruk Kanthawee | Quality of life, psychosocial Health and Health Care among Aging in Chiangrai Province, Thailand | Oral |